Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bubble Master

First two Blogger tourney I got LB points but bubbled just out of the money. Sunday got 20th and top 18 paid. Shoved with AQ, ran into KK, nothing I could have done.

And then last night (Monday) in the 6-max I overplayed an OESD with only one card to play because a big stack who was playing very unorthodox looked weak to me with a turn lead on a 567J rainbow board and i thought he would fold to my shove. He had a set so I guess it was a mistake, but not sure if thats ROT though.

Been a fun few tourneys so far, I wish they started earlier because I wake up at 5 for work and all. Tonight is stud and I assume my edge will be greater in the non NLHE games being the master HORSE player I am. LOL

1 comment:

lucko said...

This blog is the worst.